
Highlighting the achievements of all our members of faculty, staff and students.

Let us celebrate together.

Janeek Coke, a final year computer science major, shows off her 'Krafty Kreation'.

Featured Stories

We always want to highlight some of our great achievers and success stories here at Bethlehem. We are proud of each and every staff and student, and we want to share some of these great stories here on our new Spotlight.


Bethlehem signs Memorandum with Moravian University(USA) for collaboration on Master of Education Degree in Curriculum & Instruction.

July 20, 2023


Darveon Ricketts is awarded the Janice Neita Scholarship for Academic Excellence by Free Spirit Outreach United.

July 7, 2023


Britania McCallum is the 2022/23 Valedictorian and top academic performer in her year group.

May 5, 2023


Aneika Blackwood scores highest GPA of 4.2.

May 5, 2023


Keshev Wynter, Britaney Simpson represented Bethlehem at the TCJ Research Conference 2023.

April 19, 2023


Washington House wins Sports Day 2023.

April 4, 2023

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